Tournament Rules


The tournament entry fee is $100 with an Option Pot of $80 for payout $10 Big Lg. Mouth $10 Big Sm. Mouth.

All Anglers must be a member of an affiliated Nevada B.A.S.S. Nation Club, be a current member of B.A.S.S. Nation and a B.A.S.S. member, or Members of Nevada Bass Nation team circuit are also eligible.

The tournament is a Boater/Non Boater format. Boater is a 5 fish limit, Non-Boater is a 3 fish limit.

Points are based on a 100 point system: 100 points for 1st, 99 points for 2nd, etc. 40 points will be awarded to any angler that does not weigh a fish.

The top 10 Boaters and top 10 Non-Boaters will qualify for the 2022 Nevada Bass State Team by the best four out of five tournaments in points and will be invited by the Nevada nation President to the B.A.S.S. Western Regionals, date and location TBA.

Signup will be Thursday by noon.

Contact tournament information
Nevada Nation Vice President Steve Pike 702-497-2691
Any Club or Nation information.
Nevada Nation Secretary Kevin Wiggins 702-540-0262