January 5, 2020

9:00 AM:

Doug opened the mandatory State Team meeting.

All 20 State Team members present for the meeting.

Board members present Doug Gaskill, Steve Pike, and Kevin Wiggins.

  1. Doug congratulated everyone for making the state team.

Told them they are the backbone of the Nevada Nation the expectation is everyone in this room will lead and represent the Nevada Nation to the highest level this next year. Doug stated the By-laws state all team members must attend 50% of the Nation meetings. The Nation plans to have four meetings this next year. Two after a Nation event on a  DTBD. One mid-year meeting in June DTBD, and the year-end meeting in December or January.

9:15 AM

Kevin to go over State Team info in Binder items covered.

  1. State team shirt order form. Had all team members fill out the shirt order form. Held an open Discussion. A number of colors came up. The final two colors that most of the group agree to are listed. Voted on colors listed. 11 for blue/black, (14 for Black/Silver)
  2. Went out State Team Contract. Had all team members sign contract and collected for the President.
  3. Went over host hotel and State Team sponsors. (No Lowrance support this year.)
  4. Went over Team will enter online. Boaters will have to pay $200 entry fee. Non-Boaters will have to pay a $100 entry fee. Nation will reimburse the $200 entry of Boater and $100 for non-boaters and give each member $300 for lodging and gas for the event for a total disbursement of $9,000
  5. Nation will incur no more than $4,500 in expenses for hosting the event.
  6. $2,000 for national team and $2,000 for president and youth director meeting, Total of 17,500.00
  7. Open Discussion about State Team Binder. Nothing Noted. Binder covered by Kevin and Team thanks him for all the work put into putting it together.
  8. Handing out Special made t-shirt for state team members.
  9. Photo with State Team, Shirts on.

10:30 AM: Break, Sell raffle tickets,  get ready for main meeting

11 AM - Main Meeting

Doug To open meeting Welcome everyone.

  1. Raffle Tickets sales 5-$10 /15-$25/ 30-$50 proceeds to support to Nation.
  2. Cover what nation business we will be covering today. (Vote on Dave’s letters. Review letters, Entry Fee change for 2020 season, membership tournament in November. Any new business)
  3. Lunch is paid for by the nation. Drinks are on you. Please make sure you pay the server before you leave.
  4. Kevin and Jesse talked about this year's Nations and TBF tournaments on the same day.
  5. Steve talked about the 2020 schedule and dates.
  6. Kevin covered new entry fees and holding a year-end membership tournament. Open Discussion. Many suggestions on different options pots at the end of the discussions, A vote was held on leaving it the same as 2019. (Vote was 0) Vote was held to change it to $100 sign up. $80 option, and $10 option for big Lg. mouth and $10 option for big Sm. Mouth. Vote was 30 yes 6 no.
  7. Kevin covered Financial Report in Toby’s

11:30 AM

  1. President and Treasurer offices up for vote.
  2. Also all supporting officers up for vote.
  3. Open Discussion with all members present. 1st. discussion. Kevin stated the nation announced that President and Treasurer offices on the board are open for election for a 2-year term 2020 and 2021. Kevin announced Toby Robinson was stepping down as Treasurer and thanked him for his services to the nation for the last two years. Kevin announced Steve Larsen has accepted the nomination for Treasurer. Doug stated no other nominees were sent to the board for consideration. Floor was opened for nominations. None were given. Only one person to run was the past President Doug Gaskill. No paper vote was done since only one person was running.  Doug is the only one that has the desire the run for State President. Vote was held and Doug was reelected by a unanimous vote from all present. 
  4. Treasurer Steve Larsen same as above. Only one with the desire to run and was a unanimous vote,
  5. Supporting office of youth director past director Mark Dorn same as above. Office of conservation director. Past director Lynn Irwin. Not present. Jesse Ortaga was nominated and was voted in by a unanimous vote.

12:30 PM - 1 PM Break/Lunch

Announce final sale of Raffle Tickets Drawing at 2 PM

1 PM

  1. Cover and read letter from Dave to group about changing the by-law to require 50% participation in a Nevada state nation club or Team circuit.
  2. Open Discussion was held
  3. Hold a Vote. Show of hands 32 voted not to add the new proposed rule. 0 voted to add the rule. Change will not be added for 2020

2 PM

  1. New Business
  2. Open Discussion
  3. No new business noted

2:15 PM Draw for raffle.

3 PM Doug Closed the year-end meeting.